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convoluted twist: Will miss it :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Will miss it :)

Eventhough masa sampai sana line dah panjang and penuh gila, Ain dah ada kat depan and I was like yeah man cool

 Tapi tak berapa cool cause my tickets tak sampai lagi. Memang rasa nak nangis ah masa ni. Marah ni marah ni pastu pastu lepas entrance dah bukak few minutes later, David sampai bagi tiket. Oh god, thanks David even you bagi I ticket last minute :P

K pastu cari Husna then masuk dengan dia. She's a junior :) Act tak kenal pun Ain Fasehah dgn Husna Jasni. Kitorang kenal-2 kat FB then terus plan nak meet kat sana since the three of us tak ada teman langsung hihi

Lots of thanks to Ain cause dia cop tempat deeeepannnn sekali fr rockzone. Even tak sedepan VVIP and VIP, lantaklah. Janji betul-2 depan pagar. hikhik best gila lah.

This is how I meet my new friends. Great. I get to meet 2 B2UTY from different school. Cool kay ;) Ain Fasehah is the same age as me, Husna pulak, muda setahun dari kitorang. See? Depan sekali kat center pulok tu. Haaaaaa i love you Ain, lots of thanks. hikhik

Dongwoon introducing himself . ROTF he's just too cute, well his the maknae anyway 

 Now it's Doojoon turn to introduce himself. He's a handsome leader

 Joker ^^ Haha nampak macam malu. Memang geram sbb dia nampak flawless gila ;D

 Seriously, Hyunseung nampak sombong sangat. Dia banyak diam and tak berapa ramah. He look upset. Baca news Beast, macam ada prob. But still, he's cute :)

 Kyaahhh! Okay this is my bias, Yoseob ^^ He's the visual maknae and the most aegyo in the group. COMEL SANGAT HAIH 

Gikwang, he kills me with his smile. Hihi dia sporting sangat and muka blur dia comel and comel and grrr comel :D

 After the fan meeting concert, Ain dgn aku amik kesempatan nak tangkap gambar dgn signature Dongwoon. HAHA bukan kitorang dapat pun, a lucky girl win the prize. Taknak cakap pasal playtime diorang. Jeles.

Alang-2 dah masuk Sunway Lagoon and kena jalan jauh sangat-2 nak keluar masuk entrance, so kitorang take time to take pictures hihi :3

 Ok pengsan, Yoseob is whispering something to Dongwoon. Lol he killed me with his pose. kbai

 Happy Birthday Doo Joon :)

Again. #fainted

This is the best moment, I'll never frget about that night. Never :)