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convoluted twist: Saturday

Sunday, April 1, 2012


1st of April *open wide hand* Welcome April. Be nice okay?
Semalam 31st March'12 ada Anugerah Kecemerlangan SMKCJ. Okay seriously first time naik pentas fewwit fewwit xD Student yg dah pindah pun datang amik hadiah. Bila semua dah keluar camera apalagi. Semua dah gila gambar kan, macam macam gambar ada haha :) Well, its a nice memories to keep. Let the pictures tells you everything.

 "link our hands nd we'll never be apart Jaja miahahaha"

 Actly, aku anti betul gambar ni. I never thought aku sekeping macamni hahaha kbai -.-

both of their expressions were so... bright :') the smile that shows they're proud & I wanted to continue doing so inshaAllah

Adopted siblings ahaha :D

Picture for today :) 

I may be closing this blog nd keep on with my website. Tp masalahnya tak siap siap web tu hahaha. Nak siapkan speaking test, homework, study, housework, tv, kpop, yoseob, kawad oh my I'm very busy hihi. Nak cari masa buat benda lain pun benda lain yg tak siap. Faham tak? Tak? terjun lombong sana. 

InsyaAllah SPM nt kita sama sama naik pentas lagi. Yeay Amin. Unforgettable Nurin nd Farzana. Best of luck to all of us. need to struggle from now kan :D I just hope may this friendship stays. Amin :')