Last year,
I put a lot of effort. I try my best. I did my best. I want to be the best. I get through everything in a hard time. I set my mind to be the best. Deep in my heart I pointed on the only one wishlist. Aku cuma nak pergi. Nak cari pengalaman. Seems like nothings gonna change. Sedih. Kawan kawan lain pun mesti sedih. Sebak. Shit I'm crying now. Tak semua orang dapat apa yg mereka nak. Serius. Aku cuma nak pergi sana. Tinggalkan semua kat sini. Mungkin rezeki aku bukan sekarang. Sometimes it cross my mind,
"kenapa dia boleh dapat, kenapa aku tak sedangkan keputusan dia sama mcm aku"
"kenapa dia yg kurang tu dapat, tp kawan kawan aku yg lebih tak dapat"
nd then I realize. The time will come. Cuma bukan sekarang. Be patient. More troubles nd wave are coming fr me. Nd for us too. I will do the same this year, InsyaAllah.
Exam is in the corners aite. So why don't I give my best again. Ah its hard :/ Ni kenapa sepiking pulakni puih.
Goodbye readers.