Assalamualaikum. Ehem. Lama blog ni kena tinggal. I'm sorry, mummy was so busy. Sobs. I'm going to be a senior next year. Oh heeeeeeeellooooooo dunia. And there they are, waiting for me. Siapa? Nama dia SPM. I wish and I hope and I wanted 2013 to flow smoothly. No troubles. No bad feelings. No playing At first yeah I'm kind of upset sebab aku turun class. Hehe banyak sangat main ni *pegang rotan* Anyway, Happy New Year! Harini 1st January and that means... 4 days more till Yoseob's birthday and 13 more days until my birthday. Aww kita celebrate sama sama eh baby eh eh *blink blink* Esok first day siapa pijak kasut aku sedia kena pijak.