So yeah I haven't been around lately. Dah macam kena tinggal pula blog heh. I'm just uh somewhere in twitter. Gotta admit that I'm lacking on words and sentences, I don't even know nak tulis apa hahaha.
How was life?
Well, so far tak delah nak far sangat tapi since dah masuk bulan August, that's kinda far jugak kan and booyah trial is around the corner ((music seram please))
I lead a normal life, just like other teenagers. Addicted to internet, fooling around with killer subjects, still stupidly sleeping in class, failing either one or two subjects yet I get upset for just few days and went back to the old me. Meh.
SPM, SPM jugak but raya is a must hiks. Celebrations aren't that fancy yet I did enjoy my time out with my friends.
Some people are calling me fat okay maybe not that fat they kinda saw me dah berisi sikit. Is it a good thing...?
Maybe I can voice out my thought in here since I deem there's no one out there is reading this crap so um I'm actually are having my own battle in my mind. I do think I did something wrong tapi I couldn't bring myself to admit it. I was going to be like "Eh jangan lah iela. Stop semua ni." And few seconds after, I found myself thinking "Takpelah, bukannya apa pun."
Gahh I'm turning bipolar ._.
The way my heart thumped when this 'thing' crossed my mind, trust me its not a pleasant thing at all. Guilt did wash over me okay jap this all sounds weird.
Gais I'm not doing something illegal hahahaha.
There's this proverb saying 'what goes around comes around'. Somehow, I believe that one day this thing gonna strike me back. Tapi serious, I've no idea how to handle this matter so I acted oblivious and apa tu orang cakap, yeah 'follow the flow'
Masalahnya sometimes I don't even know what am I doing hahaha I'm doing things that left myself bewildered after that.
Precisely, these days I couldn't tell my friends any secrets like I used to, like we used to. Bila fikir balik, I'm scared. I'm blurting out some secrets mindlessly. I'm still a girl, after all....
I don't think ada perempuan yang tahan simpan something lama lama. Mesti dia luah jugak kalau tak dekat someone maybe something.
Guess I'm lucky I own several Teddy Bears for my birthday present, I did have a routine to talk to them sometimes. Wheeeeeeen I'm not in my right mind hehe.
Another thing these past few days, I 'reunited' with my best friend yay! Amboi reunited. My super-mega-stupid-annoying-not-so-cute-but-cheesy-best-friend-that-i-love.
Ok bagi gua award sebab bagi lu nama babe. Haha
For the first time in my 17 years of living in this cruel world, I sang through the phone. Someone please tampar aku. One of my childhood friend used to tell me I got cartoon voice and I was like biadap betul budak ni.
But when I listened to my own voice dalam video, I mentally slapped myself
I just feel like uploading pictures masa berbuka puasa haritu hahah
sawwwwry for the qualities of pictures zzzz