Nothing much happen today. Eh ada ada. Someone in my own class took my stool. Okay bloody you, there's only 4 pretty stool and I use it. It was mine. And now tetiba mysteriously gone missing. Ramai pula yang pakai kerusi macam tu. Duhh lepas tu taknak mengaku. Curse you. Dah lah amik kerusi orang asdfghjkl -.-
Aku pun hahahaha. Semua selidik menatang tu and started to eww sana sini, with just a blink of an eye Jumaah came with a volleyball and stomped the insect with it. Like seriously.. terkejut sangat and everyone bising dekat Ju hahaha so they called Ju a killer. Ju bising balik-
"bukannya aku bunuh kucing pun alah daripada korang kat situ menjerit jerit macam orang bodoh!"
hahaha this is so funny. Everyone put the blame on her and she stressed out. Ayok Ju, dosa tau. Aufa pun pernah lenyek spider dengan sticky gam dia. Naja looked upset when these thing died. She's an animal lover anyway. Ayok tatayok hahaha okay I'm trying to keep a distance with any animal. Scared I might hurt em. Bye.