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convoluted twist: Laboratory forever

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Laboratory forever

Things are getting worst. I can't even put my mind in the right place. Yknow how it feels when we're stressed out and no one's around us? Oh well, let me just keep it as a secret. Cakap pasal 'secret', Ju has a lot of english novels. So satu hari tu terasa macam nak pinjam. So I chose the book 'can you keep a secret' by Sophie Kinsella.

Masa tu dia bawak yang tu so I had no choice beside pinjam yang tu. Cover book seems interesting. And guess what, menyesal aku baca. As Farah kata "Jangan baca, nanti kau menyesal"

Luls Imma teenager. Adventure konon wakakak. Dah dia kata macamtu, lagi lah aku nak tahu apa jadi. My advice to you, just don't read it unless you're 18. Eh? I'm innocent here *lambai lambai*

Did I mention our school ada one class floating? Not like a wonderful daydreaming anyway. 4A had been chosen to study and stay in the chemistry lab for the whole year.

 Whooooooooleeeee year :O

 I got a shock at first. We can't drink in the lab and the most heart-attack moment bila kitorang tak boleh makan. Well memang tak boleh makan dalam class. Eh everyone pernah. Elelele pernah kan pernah kan? Tapi since cikgu kata there something like radiasi dalam makmal so if we dare to eat or whatsoever, boleh mandul beb. Mandul. Jangan main gila, gelap masa depan hehe. Oh and in the lab, they use stools aite? No chairs so we can't even sandar which bila keluar kelas semua bongkok kebayan. And it hurts. Balik rumah dapat katil je phewww rasa nak lipat lipat macam kuda laut. Haritu ada guna kerusi biasa, kinda selesa jugak, tapi we're not allowed to. Hm pity us :/ Meja makmal panjang so benefit dia kitorang boleh duduk ramai ramai berkumpul and bercakap and gelak ramai ramai and bila tak buat kerja cikgu tak attack muahahaha.

There is someone I know said "Tak give up pun sebab orang yang give up ni dia loser" I don't know y I'm touched. Hahaha. Tapi dia macam biskut. Kejap ada kejap tak ada lepastu terkejutkan orang secara tiba tiba. Eh actly, I didn't bath yet. I'm too busy decorating my sekangkang kera room. So before I get smelly, I'm gonna take a bath now. Adios readers ;)
