Yesterday I went out for iftar w my girls. Mahirah. Naja. Farzana. Aufa and Jumaah. We booked place at pizza hut and ate there. Normal lah girls bila keluar ada yang pergi sini pergi sana entah sesat memana tah. So aku dengan Naja wandering around searching for them. Nampak kedai comic paradise something like that. With just one blink, I saw something! Hahahahaha ;p So I grabbed Naja and force her to follow me which she sigh and regret cause she's the one cakap pasal kedai tu. There's a lot of stuff I want there. Hiks. Masa yang lain datang I told Naja to push em out sebab yeah nanti diorang bebel kemain lagi. Pedih telinga kita tau *jeling*
Tadaaaaaaaaaaah. So I bought phone strap eh apa entah nama dia gantung kat hf :3 and pictures of my babies. And their badges. Aw xD
Nafsu membuak buak. Apa kan daya. Takpe, dekat je. Nanti serang kedai tu hahaha ;p masa pergi Wangsa Walk there's a shirt tapi tshirt sini wayyyyy to cool. And cheaper kahkah.